/ andrea martinelli
/ mar 2022 ― may 2022

/ team
marta caniato,
giuliana concialini,
benedetta ricciardi,
francesco scaramuzzi,
ludovica villani

/ my role
art director,
sound designer

/ links
misteri algoritmici

/ extra
feelings dictionary

/ Concept

Misteri_algoritmici is an intermedia reinterpretation stemming from the desire to reshape the collection of short stories La boutique del mistero by Italian author Dino Buzzati.

The idea for the project stems from a particular characteristic of Buzzati's narrative style: he succeeds, in his tales, to suggest rather than describe, recounting the inner worlds of human beings in their intricate sequence of moods, sensations, suggestions and perceptual contradictions. The author thus achieves to sketch stories made of sensations in progressive accumulation on each other rather than events.

In an early stage of work, the recurring sensations were defined and each of the thirty-one short stories making up La boutique del mistero was re-written as a lineup of feelings. Each of them was then encoded as a sound, generating a new phonic alphabet that could be accurately controlled in each of its parameters by using a code-based music production library (Sonic Pi), which also provided an effective formal tool for the graphic restitution of the final artifact.

/ Misteri_algoritmici e Feelings' dictionary

The final piece consists of a 31-soundtracks album, capturing the surreal atmosphere of suspension that radiates from Buzzati's writing, complemented by a two-volume book.

The first one includes the re-writing of the entire original text, using the sonic language of Misteri_algoritmici, while the second provides a dictionary to assist the reader by explicitly stating the emotion-sound sequence correlations.

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